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Monthly Archives: November 2021

  1. What is colic in babies and how to cope up with it?

    It’s normal when a baby gets fussy or cries but when your baby gets colic, they start to fuss and excessively cry for absolutely no reason. Their crying can last for more than 3 hours, most of the days and for more than 3 weeks. 

    When your baby gets colic, the excessive crying can drive parents nuts. It starts generally around week 2 of your baby’s life and can last upto week 6 or 8 of your baby’s life.

    As parents it’s important for you to remember that colic is not your fault. No matter how well you feed them on time, change their diapers or put them to sleep, your baby can still get colic. Colic will eventually go away and just because your baby has colic now, it doesn’t mean that they are unhealthy or you failed as a parent. 


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  2. What to pack in your hospital bag for your baby’s birth?

    Giving birth to a child is a life-changing experience. Your hospital will provide you with all the basic necessities but you will need to take care of yourself and the baby during and after giving birth. 

    You will likely be in the hospital for 2-4 days or sometimes even longer depending on your delivery and the childbirth doesn’t run into any complications. 

    Packing a hospital bag well in advance will help you feel more prepared for childbirth. Sometimes babies can be born before or even weeks after what you are expecting.

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  3. Top 10 educational toys to buy for your kids

    It’s important to buy educational toys for kids so they aren’t always sitting in front of the TV or using an iPad after they are done with their school work.

    You need to provide them with toys that they can play with while also learning through them.These educational toys need to be of the right balance. They should be fun to play with while also keeping a kid engaged for hours. 

    Below we have listed down some fun, educational toys that you can buy for your kids:

    1- Spike Motor Hedgehog

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  4. The guide you need to travel with your twins

    Whether you are going for a quick road trip to visit your relatives or flying across countries, travelling with twins can be stressful for all parents.

    But if you have the right preparation and strategy, then travelling with your twins from one point to the other can become fun. 

    We have complied a list below to help you be less stressful and to have a better time during your trip:

    1- Be strategic when it comes to packing your twin’s clothes. Buy two large ziploc bags that can hold all the clothes of one child and the other separately. 

    This will come in useful when you have to get them ready and you can just get it from their ziploc bag instead dog rummaging around your suitcase. 

    This will save time and you can tensing stress-free. 

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  5. What should you consider for a natural birth?

    Natural birth refers to giving birth to your child without any medications. The term”natural delivery” is wrong as it is still labor and delivery just like C-section or medicated vaginal delivery. 

    A lot of mothers opt for natural childbirth as it has its own advantages. This can be a painful process if you are not prepared properly but you can more around during labour and even after giving birth. You will no longer be subjected to bed unless you require rest. With epidural deliveries, mothers are confined to bed as they are numb from the waist down and stay groggy and in bed for the next few days. 

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