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  1. Why babies chew on their tongues and ways to deal with it

    Your baby might be into tongue chewing which might amuse you as a parent. They might like to chew on their tongue because that is something new for them to do so. 

    Tongue chewing among babies is actually pretty common and not something to usually worry about. 

    Do read on to find out the common reasons as to why they do so, what you can do in this case and when can this habit become concerning. 

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  2. What are some ways you can soothe a crying baby?

    Generally, babies tend to cry a lot and living with them constantly wailing is not easy for a new parent to adjust to

    When your new born is inconsolable no matter what you do, it can feel powerless as a parent to watch them wail and not be able to calm them down. 

    If you are not able to determine the reason for their crying spell, then as a new parent you might get frightened that there is something physically wrong with the baby maybe. 

    We are here to assure you that as days go by, you will become much better at interpreting why your baby is crying and respond accordingly.

    Here are some strategies to help soothe your baby down:

    1- Shoosh-Bounce

    You can wrap your baby up and

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  3. What is dream feeding?

    Sometimes your baby might wake up screaming in the middle of the night because they feel hungry.

    Dream feeding is the process of feeding your baby just before you go to sleep to ensure that they feel full and can sleep through the night. You don’t have to fully wake them up but just enough so that they can start feeding. 

    Research reveals that feeding your baby between 10 pm to midnight can reduce the number of times they wake up in the night and hopefully they wake up directly in the morning.

    Sometimes even after dream feeding, your baby might still wake up at 3:30am so you can p

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  4. The negative and positive impact of TV on your child

    We live in a world where it’s hard to avoid watching television nowadays. Technology has become an integral part of our lives and it’s difficult to avoid using them. 

    Children are exposed to television since a very young age when their parents watch their favourite serial or game being broadcasted. Sometimes the television is on while you catch up with your house chores. 

    We have listed down the negative as well as positive aspect of your child watching television so you get the whole picture and then make an informed decision yourself.

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  5. Best preschools in India

    As parents, sending your child to the best preschool in your city can be the foundation for their future education.

    Your child will learn so much by going to a good preschool that will help them transition easily from sitting at home all day to making new friends and learning academics at their preschool.

    The deciding factor when it comes to which preschool you need to send your child comes down to the curriculum that the school will teach, the personal attention that the teachers can provide each and every child and the extra curricular activities as well.

    Here is our list of the best preschools in India:

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