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  1. How can you keep your child entertained as you work from home?

    With this pandemic, everybody’s work life has changed immensely. Many parents have been working from home while also taking care of their children. 

    It might definitely take you some time to get used to working around your child but it’s important for both of you to get used to this. 

    Here’s how you can keep your child entertained as you work from home:

    1- Schedule

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  2. Should you consider bottle feeding your child?

    Bottle feeding can prove to be a healthy alternative for many mothers if they don’t want to breast feed anymore. 

    New mothers can sometimes find it difficult to breast feed their child. In these cases, you can consider bottle feeding them.

    To be fair, we have listed down both the advantages and disadvantages you should know about bottle feeding your baby:


    1- Bottle feeding allows both the parents to feed the baby. As a mother, you no longer have to carry the task out alone and the father can bond with the baby also. Bottle feeding allows the father, mother or sibling to take turns in spending time with the new born.

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  3. Things that your newborn will do that will surprise you

    Being new parents can be exciting and terrifying at the same time.You are going to see a lot of surprises when you have a new baby. 

    You must have already prepared yourself a lot from making sure the nursery is ready in time to reading every books related to pregnancy. 

    Even if you are prepared there are some things that you should know about your baby to ensure they are healthy and thrive well. 

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  4. Tips to start a conversation with your kid to help them open up

    As parents you don’t have to be your kid’s best friend but you can definitely have a open, healthy conversation with them to help them open up about what they think. 

    You can provide them with a safe environment where they can feel comfortable talking about what their problems, successes and failures. 

    Kids generally talk a lot when they are in preschool and can’t shut up talking about their school or friends. As they grow up and join elementary school they can clam up and as teenagers they can sometimes spend hours locked up in their rooms. 

    There are tips to help you start a conversation with your kid to help them open up:

    1- Priority

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  5. What is solitary play and what are the benefits?

    An infant needs to play alone and entertain themselves sometimes. By playing alone, they learn about their own bodies, environments, the people around them and learn to be more social. 

    Solitary play is also known as independent play, where a child plays alone. It is at the stage where a child is just developing and trying to figure out their own body. They become familiar with different objects, textures and shapes.

    Importance of solitary play for children:

    1- Solitary play helps a child to be more independent. They understand that they can entertain themselves on their own. They can explore playing with toys and dolls on their own. They slowly realise not

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