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    Twinkle twinkle little star, do you know how much loved you are? I wonder if you’ll ever understand just how much The Little Amigos Nest cares about you and your family.


    Games play a vital role in every Children’s life. It helps to keep children healthy and fit and also offers them a change from the monotony of daily life. Games are useful means of entertainment and physical activities. It teaches individuals punctuality, honesty and regularity of habits. Lil Amigos Nest is incorporated to help young parents access quality products for their children from India and around the world & Here are

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  2. Top 10 activities to do with your kids on New Year

    Everyone deserves to have a good celebration on New Year’s Day, even if it is just a small celebration to commemorate the ending of this year and the arrival of a New year with fresh opportunities to make new memories.

    With children, you might not want to take them out and have a big celebration as covid is still impending but with a low-key celebration at home, there are plenty of things that you can do to make it more fun for everyone.

    Here are the top 10 activities to do for your kids on New Year’s:

    1- Game Night 

    Invite your family members or your kid

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