Augmenting baby sleep to be better and more effective

New-born babies need approx. 16 of sleep each day. But many a times this is not the case due to various factors and this leaves both parents and babies frustrated. Ensuring the babies have a good night-time sleep and having it as a pattern and habit is a very important.

We have a few tips that can help you to achieve the above:

First thing to note that in mother’s womb the baby used to sleep, play and be awake as it wanted. But once they are born as there is day/ night, availability etc., they need time, practice to adapt to this.

Wet Diaper:

One of the primary reasons’ babies might be crying/ woken up is due to wet diaper. Ensure diapers are changed just before and check it constantly to make sure it’s not wet.

Sleep Pattern:

Note the time baby is waking up/ awake and when it shows signs of sleepiness like rubbing of the eyes, getting fussy, drowsy etc. Most of the time, new-borns will not be awake for more than a hour at a stretch. When they reach 6 months, babies will be awake for 2-2.5 hrs

Understanding this pattern helps in planning the sleep plan.

Make a sleep plan:

Based on your baby’s sleep pattern, make a plan. It can be done using a smart phone or note pad. There are multiple apps to monitor and plan the sleep schedule.

Some families like to have it at as it comes/ random. It depends on the comfort and convenience of each.

Research has shown that once babies start to adhere to a plan, it is generally constant and will not have lot of variations. One of the things to note here is that when wake time of baby changes, i.e. it is staying awake for longer time, the plan needs to be adjusted too.

Follow Bedtime Habit:

Have a pre-bed time/ pre-sleep activity which makes the baby prepped/ tell that its time for sleep. It can be reading a book, singing a rhyme/ lullaby etc.Ensure that the pre-sleep activity is constant and not changing.

Nursing/ Feeding the baby is many a times a sure shot way to make the baby sleep/ tell its sleep time.

Have baby toys, rattles in the crib to make them play if get wake up or play before sleep.

There can be any of the activities, but ensure that there is a set one which will help in making the baby sleep faster and maintain the bedtime habit.

Have a cool, quiet sleep surroundings

One of the primary and sure shot methods is to have as less noise/ distractions during sleep time as possible. Remember womb was an enclosed and quiet space. Try to have it as close to it as possible.

Of course, many babies can sleep through noise/ talks etc. But generally, having a quiet sleeping space works for most babies. Make a habit of night time to be quiet time.

Babies/ New-born Sleeping posture:

Research has recommended that parents place/ make babies sleep new-borns and infants on their backs to reduce risk of choking/ better sleep etc.

Some babies hate this position, and may be cranky and crying. But make sure this habit is followed as this will help in huge advantage and also help them to sleep on their own.