Like the saying goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, it is important for every children to learn physical activity as an outlet for them to blow off steam. 

Growing up in the 80’s or 90’s, children played crickets in small alleys or football every day in the evening with the whole society watching them and cheering them on. 

But with technology advancing, every child is now gifted with a gadget that makes them forget about playing in the outside world. 

Any kind of physical activity is absolutely vital for your child. If your child goes to school, comes back and sits in one place for hours with a gadget in their hand then they will develop a sedentary lifestyle. 

To prevent your child from developing obesity in the future, you can start doing physical activities with them so that they learn to spend time with their friends outside instead of sitting in their room whole day.

Playing sports can help them develop their self esteem among their peers, self-discipline, strength and critical thinking skills. 

Top sports that you can play with your children 

1- Karate

Learning self-defence is so vital for every child to learn while they are growing up. 

Karate helps a child to develop physically, mentally and spiritually.

This sport helps a child to better understand discipline and self control.

2- Football

Football is a team sport that your children will love playing with their friends. 

With the sport gaining immense popularity around the whole world, your children will love making new friends by playing this sport. 

It will improve your foot dexterity, balance, agility and muscle strength.

3- Swimming 

One of the best exercise for a child to learn is swimming.

The fear of water might be something that might prevent them from learning how to swim at first but as they cross that fear and learn to float and dive they will absolutely love spending time at the pool.

It can help them to control breathing and improve their lung powers.

They can learn various swimming strokes which is fun to try out and improves their strength and agility.

4- Cycling

Growing up, I watched all my friends have bicycles and learning how to ride one was extremely enjoyable

Cycling is a sport that they can enjoy long after they have grown up. 

Every child should wear protective gears to keep themselves safe while cycling. You can also teach them about road safety and the various guidelines to follow while riding a bike.

This sport can improve your strength, balance and reflexes. 


Basketball is a fast sport and children can have a great time learning to shoot this ball through a hoop.

It teaches them to play with a team and instills the sense of group work. 

They can develop fast reflexes and learn to run really fast which improves their agility. 

6- Jogging/Running

Running can quickly become your child’s favourite sport.

You can wake up every morning and go jogging or running with your whole family. This will help you spend some time with your family while doing an outdoor activity where you get to enjoy fresh air. 

7- Gymnastics 

This is quickly becoming one of the most popular sport played among every children ,teenagers and even adults. 

With the right trainer your child can learn so much about using various equipments.

It can teach your children to be more flexible, agile, nimble-footed and improve your strength. 

Sports is absolutely vital for your children but with playing sports, they should also take proper rest and eat good, healthy food to stay fit and not feel overly tired. 

Children should not be forced to play sports but encouraging them to enjoy an outdoor physical activity will ensure that they get to spend more time in nature. 


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