Changing a diaper needs a little practice,Diapering Your Baby is as much a part of parenting as feeding your little one. It is necessary to learn what’s slightly different about changing your baby’s diaper.

A full explanation guide will help you to change your toddler’s diaper so you’re set when your child becomes more active and mobile. Some of the step to change a baby’s diaper are listed below:

  1. Firstly, lay your baby on her back and replace the used diaper. Wrap up and stick the tapes down to seal the bundle. Next, try to toss the diaper pail or set it aside to throw out later in the garbage can.
  2. Clean your baby’s diaper area thereby taking care to clean between the folds of skin. Use gentle diaper wipes or simply use a washcloth.
  3. Having a diaper rash use can use diaper rash ointment on the affected area.
  4. Now carefully raise your baby’s lower body and clean diaper the underneath. The printing should be on the front that is facing you. Pull the front up between the baby’s legs.
  5. Lastly, two lift the two wings of the diaper on both sides and sticky the tape. Do not fasten the diaper either too tightly or too loosely. To check if it is loose place two fingers between the diaper and stomach. However, the tabs must be symmetrical to prevent leaks.

All you finish doing the procedure wash your hands and clean the diaper change area.