Your child is dependent on you to take care of them and as they grow up, you should allow them some freedom so that they can become more responsible and independent. 

As parents teaching them certain life skills will come in handy as they grow up and will prepare them to handle adulthood. 

If your child is heavily dependent on you then their self esteem might be affected in the long run. They need to make choices of their own without the fear of disappointing you and learning to trust themselves. 

Here are some tips listed below to help your child to be more independent:

1- Responsibilities 

You can assign your child certain responsibilities around the house depending on how focused on the task they can be. 

You can allow them to water the plants around the house, comb their own hair, help you paint your nails or fill up the water bottles which will make them feel more confident in themselves. 

By helping you out around the house they will understand their valuable contribution around the house. 

2-No intervention 

As parents we can be very hands on when it comes to our children and not give them the freedom to make simple, harmless mistakes. 

You should refrain from intervening and allow them to learn from their own mistakes so that they can be matured enough in the future to not repeat it. 

If your child needs guidance, they can come to you on their own without your intervention. 

3- Ask their opinion 

When you go out grocery shopping or are at a restaurant, you can ask them to choose what food items they want. 

You can pick a bunch of options and ask them to choose within those options only. 

This will make them feel more responsible and involved in your life. 

4- Freedom

Your child needs to have more freedom in order to grow up as a responsible, independent adult.

If they want to complete their homework after their play time then they should be allowed to do so or if they want to skip dinner because they had a lot of snacks in the evening then as parents you should respect their decisions. 

5- Empathy

We all make mistakes and learn from them and just like us, our children are going to face their fair share of failures in life.

As parents, it’s important to have empathy towards them and instead of scolding them for their mistakes we can just have a talk and let them realise what went wrong. 

6- Failures

Growing up in an Indian household, we have all faced our doses of failure and watched as our parents shamed us for it that made us feel really bad and hampered our self-esteem. 

But we can be better parents by allowing our children to fail and learn on their own without making it into a huge deal. 

Sometimes children will make mistakes despite our warnings and that’s completely okay as they will eventually learn at their own pace. 

7- Problem-solving skills

Children need to understand that certain problems like their homework or extra curricular activities are their own responsibilities and it can not be resolved by asking their parent to  help out all the time. 

It’s okay to help them solve a problem but then allow them to solve the rest of their assignments on their own even if they make mistakes because that’s going to teach them to be more independent. 

You can improve their problem solving skills by buying some puzzles for them online to play with as puzzles will improve their hand eye coordination, motor skills and strategy building.

8- Routine

One of the best ways to teach your kid to be more independent is to follow a routine everyday.

If they wake up at a particular time, brush their teeth and get ready for school everyday then slowly they will start doing all these activities without needing your help. 

9- Encouragement 

When your child starts doing things on his own then you can encourage them and praise them honestly. 

This will boost their morale and self esteem. 

By being more independent in life, it will allow them to find their own identity in this world. 

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